How it works

Our award-winning personal service is supported by our advanced booking technology and secure payment platforms. 

Start your search here >

1. Search and shortlist

Our experienced team help you search and shortlist suitable options based on your specific requirements and travel preferences. 

Book a free one-to-one no obligation call to discuss your needs.

2. Finalise your booking

After you have selected a property, our expert can assist with negotiating any rates, clarifying terms and policies and arranging viewings on-site. 

3. Setup payment

We offer flexible payment solutions to suit your needs and set this up within our secure client portal making repeat booking hassle-free and quick.

4. Pre-arrival and in-stay support

We co-ordinate any pre-arrival check-in details and support you during your stay by liaising with the apartment manager regarding any issues.

5. Amendments and extensions  

Plans change and when they do we manage all the amendments and extension booking details for you.

6. Reporting tools

Our secure client portal gives you 24/7 access to all your booking and payment history in one place making it easy for multiple teams to access data as needed. 

Easy to use and their customer support is excellent.

"I really enjoyed my stay at Monarch House. This was my second time of staying there and I will definitely be back. The facilities are excellent, the location is good and the staff are friendly. I found check in London to be easy to use and their customer support is excellent. I've used it twice and I would certainly use it again"

A Watts.

Unrivalled Expertise. Hassle-free Bookings. Transparent Process.

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